Sabah Mohammed
Sabah Mohammed is an architectural designer and researcher at Perkins&Will. Sabah is passionate about addressing healthcare challenges through the lens of human-centered design. Previously, Sabah was an E. Todd Wheeler Health Fellow at Perkins&Will, Atlanta where she conducted research on healing environments for patients with behavioral health needs. Her background in evidence-based design informs her interest in creating better, more equitable environments and services that are grounded in research. Sabah strives to advance healthcare design, creative thought and applied research through speaking engagements, strategic consulting, and research articles.
Sabah’s serves as a member of the Health Guideline Revision committee for the 2026 Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) cycle as a women and children’s health expert. She has planned and facilitated human-centered and lean-process infused Reimagining workshops bringing together process consultants, clinicians and healthcare designers and students. Sabah works alongside clinician associations to prototype processes and design environments in an interactive format to bring additional voices and clinical insights to the FGI guideline development process. Sabah has spoken at EDRA, HCD, Gravens Conference and the Clemson International Nursing Conference. Her research and insights have been published in the Perkins&Will Research Journal and Healthcare Design Magazine.
Sabah graduated with a Master of Science in Design + Health from the Department of Human-Centered Design at Cornell University and holds a Bachelor of Architecture from National Institute of Technology, India. At Cornell, Sabah served as the Design Chair for the Cornell University Healthy Futures Graduate Chapter and as the President of the Graduate Student Association.
In 2020, Sabah was the recipient of the prestigious AIA-AAH Arthur N. Tuttle Jr. Fellowship for her graduate research titled “Understanding the Couplet Care Environmental Model and its Effect on Bonding Between the Mother and Infant Dyad”. She was the recipient of the Patricia J. Harris Scholarship; the Epperson Entrepreneurship Fellowship; the K.C. Mahindra Scholarship and was honored as the 2022 Cornell University Graduate School Degree Marshall for being the most academically distinguished student in the program.