Governing Board
Peyton Fort is a healthcare design research strategist who cultivates a holistic and inclusive approach to wellbeing,...
Dr Froehle is Professor of Operations, Business Analytics and Information Systems in the Lindner College of Business at...
Andrew S Gallan (PhD, Arizona State University, Center for Services Leadership) is an associate professor of marketing...
Dr Brian J Galli works as an Assistant Professor of Project Management and Management Engineering at Long Island...
Susan Meyer Goldstein is an associate professor of Supply Chain and Operations She earned her BS in Genetics and Cell...
Esther Greenhouse, CEO of Silver to Gold Strategic Consulting, is a strategist and environmental gerontologist...
Nancy Griffin, MMH is a wellness and aging services expert with more than 30 years of experience She has a Masters in...
Entrepreneurial CEO offering progressive experience in operations leadership Skilled at identifying and implementing...
Asheesh Gupta is co-founder and chief editor of Samarth (meaning “capable” in Hindi language) with the mission...
Anders Gustafsson is a professor of business administration in the Service Research Center at Karlstad University,...
Wafa Hammedi is an associate professor of service innovation and marketing at the faculty of Economics and Management...
Hyunjeong “Spring” Han currently holds a position as a professor at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of...