People Directory
Dr Jay Kandampully is an internationally recognized leader in the field of service management and Hospitality Jay is a...
Andrew Karolyi is the Charles Field Knight Dean of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business He is a professor of...
Byron Keating, PhD is a Professor of Service Management and Technology in the QUT Business School at the Queensland...
Ravinder Kingra is a lecturer in food and beverage management at the Nolan School of Hotel Administration (SHA) Before...
Heather Kolakowski ’00 is a lecturer in food and beverage management at the Nolan School of Hotel Administration She...
Catharina von Koskull, DSc (Econ) is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the School of Marketing and Communication...
Bob Kramer is Founder and Strategic Advisor at the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC) He...
I graduated from Wisconsin School of Business at UW-Madison in 2002 During 2003-12, worked for Mintel, a leading global...
Joseph Laquatra, PhD, Professor Emeritus, focused his teaching and research efforts on sustainable aspects of housing...
Mary joined Mather as Chief Executive Officer/President in 2002 Previously served as Chief Operating Officer of Classic...
Michael is a Professor of Operations and Supply Management His research, teaching and advisory portfolio covers an...
Peng Liu is the Singapore Tourism Board distinguished chair professor in Asian hospitality management at Cornell...