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Cornell University

Mardelle Shepley

Academic Director; Professor, Department of Human Centered Design | College of Human Ecology
Mardelle Shepley

Dr. Mardelle McCuskey Shepley, B.A., M.Arch., M.A., D.Arch., is a professor in the the Department of Human Centered Design. She is Academic Director in the Cornell Institute for Health Futures. Previously she served a professor at Texas A&M University (TAMU) and was director of the TAMU Center for Health Systems & Design from 2004-2014. Mardelle is a fellow in the American Institute of Architects and the American College of Healthcare Architects. She is LEED and EDAC certified.

Dr. Shepley has authored/co-authored six books, including Healthcare Environments for Children and their Families (1998), A Practitioner’s Guide to Evidence-based Design (2008), Design for Critical Care (2009), Health Facility Evaluation for Design Practitioners (2010), Design for Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care (2014), and Design for Mental & Behavioral Health (2017). Her papers have been published in Healthcare Management Review, Indoor and Built Environment, Journal of Perinatology, Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning, Health Environments Design & Research, World Health Design, Children, Youth & Environments, Journal of Housing for the Elderly, Journal of Environmental Psychology, General Hospital Psychiatry, Building Research Information, Evidence-based Medicine, Journal of Applied Gerontology, Journal of Interior Design, Child Health Care, Senor Housing & Care, Environment & Behavior, Perceptual & Motor Skills, among other peer-reviewed venues. To enhance the link between research and practice, Dr. Shepley worked 16 years in practice prior to joining TAMU, and has served as a consultant to architectural firms regularly since 2000. She is founder of ART+Science, design research consultants.