Meredith Oppenheim

Meredith Oppenheim graduated the Harvard Business School in 2001 and since then has been working in the senior housing industry for leading operators and owners. Further, she has been a senior housing consultant to hedge funds, private equity firms and foreign governments. Her work spans all senior housing product types and the full lifecycle of a deal from pre-development through a liquidity event.
Most recently at Ventas, the largest healthcare REIT, she oversaw the multibillion dollar portfolio of over 50 senior housing communities managed by Sunrise and Atria. She currently leads business strategy and development for Oppenheim, a leading architecture firm focused on creating timeless and eternally beautiful architecture that’s sensitive to the environment and enhances life.
In 2009 she was nominated to serve the senior housing industry’s Future Leaders Council and led the organization in its inaugural year. Also in 2009 she was appointed to Mayor Bloomberg’s Age-Friendly NYC Commission and also served for more than 5 years as a board member of the not-for-profit arm of the NYC Department for the Aging.
Meredith Oppenheim’s passion since a very young age has been achieving optimal health with proper diet. While in high school, she cooked for her grandparents and ultimately many other grandparents to improve the quality and length of their lives with more nutritious foods. When she was 15, she authored a cookbook of healthy recipes for seniors and donated all proceeds to charity. Because of her dedication to this often overlooked population, she received a US Congressional Award. In 2010 when her daughter was born full-term healthy and strong yet just under 5 pounds, she parlayed this passion to become knowledgeable about the earliest stage of life. In 2013, she launched the Healthy Kid Healthy Family initiative of the JCC Manhattan which resulted in a nutritionally enhanced snack program and a range of programming to engage the community in wellness activities.
She is a Cornell Arts and Sciences graduate (1995) and resides in NYC with her husband and daughter.