Wafa Hammedi

Wafa Hammedi is an associate professor of service innovation and marketing at the faculty of Economics and Management (University of Namur- Belgium). She received her PhD from the Institute for Management Research of the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Her primary research interests are service innovation, marketing and management. Her dissertation dealt with dynamic capabilities of innovation and creativity management in service firms. She studied more precisely the decision making process under high uncertainty and risk in the specific context of innovation proposals screening.
She is passionate about service research, and her current research aims to study co-creation mechanisms within online and offline platforms/networks in the B-to B and B-to-C contexts. Her recent work focuses on open/ collaborative innovation, Consumer behavior toward innovation products, services and technologies, Customer/ stakeholders engagement mechanisms and practices, virtual communities, and digital marketing. She serves currently as the chair of the Special Interest Group on Service Innovation at the IPSIM -Largest worldwide innovation management network. She also the co-founder and chair of the doctoral event of AMASERVSIG- Let’s Talk about Service ( LTAS). She published in various international journals, among others, in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Service Management, Decision Management, Recherches et Applications Marketing.
Wafa Hammedi is part of the editorial advisory Boards of the Journal of Service Management and Journal of Service Marketing. She has been a reviewer for several international conferences and scientific journals such as International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Annals of Tourism Research . She won several research awards, and she was recently granted in 2013-2014 the prestigious IBM Faculty Award, a global competition for researchers in service area.