CIHF@Safety by Design Charrette


The objects and spaces we encounter in day-to-day life may result in unexpected injuries. In workplaces the primary causes of injury are materials handling; slips, trips and falls; being struck by or colliding with an object or incidents involving tools. In homes, injuries caused by falls down stairs; fires that originate from heating and cooking appliances; and scald burns from water that flows from the tap too hot result in emergency department visits, hospital stays and deaths that could have been prevented with more thoughtful design.

Students were asked to be on 3-to 4-person teams that included students from both Cornell and Johns Hopkins. They designed a set of objects/products, a space, a building or an urban environment that incorporated features that support human safety and address an injury risk.

Teams were awarded the following: 1st place $5000, 2nd place $3000, 3rd place $1000

First place: Kitchen Design

Sydney Lonker (CU), Jason Heller (CU), Daniel Sohayegh (CU), and Rebeca Aro (CU)

Second place: Wheelchair Design

Cali Wilson (JHU), Renee Liu (JHU), and Shalika Subramanian (JHU)

Third place: Modular Toilet Design

Kristina Im (CU), Lily Stern (CU), Debbie Jung (CU), and Jennifer Tan (JHU)

Thank you to all the students who submitted designs! We truly enjoyed witnessing the creativity of the Cornell and Johns Hopkins student communities!